Friday, December 15, 1989

1990 Family Pictures

Easter 1990

Christmas 1990

Saturday, May 20, 1989

Gary Graduates from Loyola Dental School June 1989

Frenchie with Linda, Gary and baby Amy
Steve McNutt, Gary and Les Wardell

Marilyn with Gary and Linda and baby Amy

Congratulations Gary!

Tuesday, May 9, 1989

Amy Beth born May 9, 1989

Amy Beth was born in Chicago at Loyola Hospital on May 9, 1989. Since it was a teaching hospital, there were several interns attending us. I remember Gary and I watching Top Gun while we waited. Apparently the attending Dr. wasn't very happy with the attending antheschia Dr., because I had so much epidural that I couldn't tell when I was having contractions and I couldn't even feel if I was pushing. I however, loved it, Amy was my most pain free baby. It was a smooth delivery.