Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rowan and Cohen get meet!

The cousins get to meet and hang out together! Cohen and Rowan. So fun to have them together.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A fractured knee!!

Well, this happened, and  the  worst part is I won't be able to go visit Amy  and meet baby Calvin!  Such a bummer, got hit by a  parked  car that lunged into my  knee while was walking in front of it. Fractured  tibia  plateau  fracture,  just a brace, no surgery. Such a bummer. AGH, it's been a rough year for this body. Gratefully there was no damage to my  
new hip!


Monday, August 8, 2022

Calvin Tate Arrives!

Congratulations  to Amy and Joe! Calvin Tate arrived 8/8/22, 8 lbs 12 oz. He's perfect, great job Amy! Calvin is grand baby number nine and third grand baby this year! We feel truly blessed.  Family's are the  best (we  just wish  they  were  closer, can't  wait  to meet him!) West Virginia is  too far  away.